Showing proper etiquette in business social occasions benefits business relations, and gives a good first impression on customers or partners. Through good business etiquette that can also help improve corporate image, receive customer appreciation and recognition. What’s more, good etiquette helps resolve conflicts.
This workshop focuses on the basic communication, business etiquette, conversation, manners and personal image-building techniques, all that can equip you with a professional image in different occasions, become a more decent and good etiquette of being a professional executive.
Workshop Highlights:
How to give a good first impression
- How to introduce myself properly
- A quick positive sign when doing handshake etiquette
- Proper etiquette when giving and collecting business cards
- Good customer relation and the company’s image
How to behave in good business etiquette in business talk
- Body language during conversation
- Walking, standing and sitting posture
- Eye contact, voice expression
- How to have a good start chat with customer
- Professional answer
- Do’s and Don’t when having a conversation
- Content should be avoided when having a conversation
Personal image of etiquette rules
- Tips on professional image
- Tips on different dress code
- Details of the men’s and women’s professional attire
Fionz Chan – CSG Consultancy, Business Etiquette Consultant
Fionz is a professional trainer in the international Etiquette subject, especially in personal image design, etiquette training, corporate image training, international business etiquette, customer service etiquette, leader image, speaker image building and master of ceremonies image.
Workshop Information: