9 April 2019
<T-Chat: Social Learning for L&D Professionals – Training Design for Brand Culture Training Recap>
Thank you #WinnieWong #TheEastHotel shared with the Trainers the valuable and inspirational experience on how to build the real brand, especially in the…
8 April 2019
<Blockchain’s Disruptive Impact on the World> Recap
#Blockchain is the technique changing the game rules of the marketplace. Professionals need to catch the trend and manage the right positioning in the trend of #DigitalTransformation. Thank you #EmilChan’s…
陳國民博士 – 香港理工大學院士及香港工業專業評審局榮譽院士
車品覺先生 – 國家資訊中心選為中國十大最具影響力大資料企業家
梁家強先生 – 香港恒生大學榮譽院士
林家禮博士 – 香港數碼港管理有限公司董事局主席
沈運龍博士 – 各界商會聯席會議秘書長及香港工業專業評審局榮譽院士
鄧淑明博士 – 智慧城市聯盟創辦人、榮譽主席及香港十大傑出青年
葉炯賢博士 – 原香港大學深圳醫院常務副院長
粵港澳大灣區優秀企業家傳承大獎”- 得獎企業家分別是:
葉海興先生 (精確環球集團有限公司 – 集團主席)
To align with CSG Group’s strategic expansion in the Greater Bay Area, CSG Consultancy (“CSGC”) is pleased to announce that two new business units, i.e. the CSG Talents and CSG ZTOA have been set up in order to provide seamless…
CSG Consultancy (“CSGC”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a strategic partnership with GCA Professional Services Group (“GCA”) , in an effort to strengthen its growth in the Greater China region and countries along the Belt and…
Virtual Reality (VR) the hot topics in the marketing engaging all generations of staffs.
It is more than fun, but to team and leadership results. VR2.0 is the jointed program co-facilitating by both JetOne Motion (a leading VR provider in…
CSG Consultancy Performance Consultant Ms. Janet Wong facilitated for the 1 day ‘Develop In-house Trainers’ workshop in the HK General Chamber of Commerce. It was an overview of what the in-house Trainers are required, which inspired the participants for further…
On 28 July evening in the HK Institute of Marketing, CSG Consultancy was glad to share how the practical ways to engage customers through Mobile Platforms.
With all the research data, it’s now the MUST for SME and Corporate to…
《2017年07月21日 (10:00 AM) Posted By Bastille Post 巴士的報》
20多年前,葉海興( Peter )選擇了理大的MBA課程,為自己的事業與人生鋪路。在修讀MBA課程前,Peter原來早已修畢理大開辦的另外3個課程,除了對理大建立了感情,他亦深明理大的課程具有相當水平,課程設計也較適合自己。Peter直言,理大MBA課程學員都是來自不同界別的專業人士,可大大擴濶自己的人際網絡。此外,學員更有機會到海外企業考察,擴濶自己視野,取得更多實戰經驗,了解不同企業的文化及營運策略,多元化的課程可謂理論與實際並重。
「從數據講説話。要創新、應變、增值。」Peter笑言,工商管理以至整個金融市場正不斷轉變,相關人才要善用科技和互聯網,而分析大數據正是要了解市場和客人的需求。他相信,理大MBA課程新增的「商業分析」(Business Analytics) 正切合市場趨勢,因為要懂得分析數據才能了解市場發展,從而為企業制定全方位的解決方案。
Emergenetics Greater China has forged a strategic partnership with CSG Consultancy, which is the consultancy arm of Consumer Search Group (CSG), a Hong Kong-based market research firm and an organization development consultancy that has been providing market research and organization…
亞太職協會長及精確環球諮詢總裁 葉海興先生陪同前澳大利亞新南威爾士州上議院副議長、亞太智庫主席何沈慧霞女士,到訪精確環球市場研究有限公司進行了深入的交流和互動,圍繞討論「創新、應變、增值」的經營策略。
CSG Consultancy Digital Marketing Consultant shared Data Driven Social Content Marketing with Retail Marketers in the HK Retail Management Association on 1st Jun. Data is everywhere now, Marketers can ride on the challenges by asking right questions, with trial and…
CSG Consultancy was proud of being the Global Event Partner of Progress U for the 1st Global Leadership & Coaching forum held on 18th May at the new headquarter of the Red Cross. Wonderful practical sharing by Coaching professionals from…
Our Strategic Partner, Asia Pacific Professional Managers Association, was Setting Up “Asia Pacific Professional Managers Association in Canada” in Ottawa, Capital City of Canada.
Chandra Arya, Member of Parliament, Canada (left) and Peter Yip, President of APPM (right)